On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 07:22:21PM -0800, Brendan Cully wrote:
> changeset: 6903:945a3f4b15c7
> user:      David Champion <d...@bikeshed.us>
> date:      Sat Jan 14 19:18:45 2017 -0800
> link:      http://dev.mutt.org/hg/mutt/rev/945a3f4b15c7
> Allow initial blank lines in local mailboxes.
> Some mailbox-creation tools erroneously append a blank line to a file
> before appending a UNIXv7-format mail message, resulting in mailboxes
> that are intended to be valid "mbox" folders but are not.  Notably old
> versions of Mailman do this, making archive files that cannot be read by
> mutt.
> This patch causes mutt to skip leading NLs and CRs when detecting magic.
> diffs (18 lines):
> diff -r 79306170e367 -r 945a3f4b15c7 mx.c
> --- a/mx.c    Tue Jan 10 14:48:08 2017 -0800
> +++ b/mx.c    Sat Jan 14 19:18:45 2017 -0800
> @@ -423,6 +423,14 @@
>    else if ((f = fopen (path, "r")) != NULL)
>    {
>      struct utimbuf times;
> +    int ch = 0;

The first iteration of the while-loop will initialize ch. I would
drop the initialization here as it confused me into thinking the
"&& ch" check in the if below verifies if the loop was run at
least once. But that will be always true.

> +    /* Some mailbox creation tools erroneously append a blank line to
> +     * a file before appending a mail message.  This allows mutt to
> +     * detect magic for and thus open those files. */
> +    while ((ch = fgetc(f)) && (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r'));

I'd move the ; to th next line to make it more visible or use
continue, e.g.

    while (...)

> +    if (!feof(f) && ch)

ch will be either EOF on error or end-of-file or contain the
first byte. Why the check for != 0 here? This will break if there
was an error during reading and will put EOF (Oxff) into the
stream. ch will only be 0 if there's a NUL-byte in the file which
is unexpected for Mboxes but not a problem with the issue the
comment is talking about.

I think this should be

    if (ch != EOF)

> +      ungetc(ch, f);
>      fgets (tmp, sizeof (tmp), f);

But independent from that fgets() should check for possible errors.

>      if (mutt_strncmp ("From ", tmp, 5) == 0)

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