On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 01:28:03PM +0200, jpac...@redhat.com wrote:
> by this email I'd like to open discussion about the future of the mutt
> project. 

One thing I would like to point out here is that there IS some
semblance of a roadmap...  


I first would like to comment that I think development and fixing bugs
are two different activities.  To my best recollection all of the most
recent work we've seen has been the latter; we've seen very little
actual development for quite a while, AFAIK.

At any rate... at the bottom of the page, you'll find links that point
to the list of bugs for the 1.6 release to be considered ready, as
well as an outdated list of bugs for the next point release (it still
points to 1.5.21, which has been released--three years ago).

There is also a list of topics under "Brainstorming" which describe
less formally the roadmap beyond 1.6.  Though, by way of describing
the problems intended to be addressed, the pages so linked provide
links to mailing list archives which are no longer accessible.  To be
useful again they should summarize the problem locally, or at least
update the links to archives which are still accessible.

The larger problem is no one is working on these items...  Brendan
started working on them, but clearly lacks the time and/or motivation
to continue.   As David said (and as I and others have pointed out
many times in the past), volunteer developers have been repeatedly
discouraged from contributing, if not by intent, by the practice of
ignoring contributions due to lack of time, or, worse...

Is there anyone around who has time and skill who wants to work on any
of these roadmap items?  I'm somewhat inclined to think that for
progress to happen at this point, what will be required is for the
maintainers to actively solicit volunteer developers to work on
*specific* issues on which they actually want work to progress, and
for the maintainers to commit to working with those volunteers to
steer the work into something that can ultimately be accepted into
Mutt.  Without this, I don't see any path to progress... development
isn't going to just spontaneously materialize.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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