* On 18 Oct 2012, David Laight wrote: 
> Actually even C programs are a PITA if you are trying to crossbuild.
> At the very least, they require special attention.
> Why not pipe through tr -cd in order to remove anything not alphanumeric
> or sane punctuation.
> Although I suspect that the only problem character is ".
> The more you can avoid in build tools, the better.
> Even assuming a working awk, or some obscure grep options/variant
> can be a problem, never mind monsters like perl and python.

But I can assume that if perl or python is present, it will accomplish
this task in a predictable way.

Neither sed nor awk is very portable in advanced usage; awk, nawk, gawk,
mawk, etc have whole different language specifications, and sed has
varying punctuation requirements in different implementations.  The sed
command you posted scares me quite a lot once I think about supporting
it under six or seven different sed variants, from a Makefile that might
be running under any of a dozen "make" programs, launching the sed via
sh, ksh, bash, zsh, ash, pdksh, or .... Most of these combinations will
work fine, but there are some that are pretty sketchy.

I'm also not really interested in approximating what the compiler says
it is with a printable US-ASCII reduction of its output.  And I still
don't know what to do about trigraphs under your suggestion, other than
to explicitly escape each one, or to know how to disable trigraphs in
each compiler that supports them.

Anyway, I fundamentally just don't think that we can expect arbitrary
compilers to tolerate arbitrary text in an arbitrary encoding with 0x22
escaped, as a C literal string.  But I could be persuaded by examples of
highly portable programs that do this successfully.

I'm interested in predictable behavior much more than I'm interested in
minimizing requirements for a compilation.

I know I'm talking about narrow edge cases, but I don't think any of
this is more of an edge case than a build platform that can't install
Python (or Perl, or whatever), or a cross-compile that can't specify a
native compiler in addition to the cross compiler.  Am I wrong about

Options that I see:

1. Nothing to see here, move along
2. Write it in perl and tcl too, and test for which version will run
3. Write it in shell and drink myself silly, in whichever order works best
4. Require "make NATIVECC=..." when cross-compiling

I'm good with 1 or 4.  I'll entertain strong arguments for 2 or 3,
especially if you're buying, but I'm not sure either is a complete
solution.  1 and 4 are, if you accept the transference of the problem to
documented conditions for compilation.

David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

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