On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 18:14:54 -0500, David Champion wrote:
> Comments?

- Does this introduce a new dependency on python for building mutt?
- Would the build fail mysteriously if "python txt2c.py" fails?
  Because of leaving an empty conststrings.c which would fulfil
  the make rule's requirement:
>       ) 2>/dev/null | python txt2c.py cc_version >conststrings.c

  I'm guessing conststring.o would build, but its designated symbols
  would be missing at link time, and it wouldn't be too obvious to the
  "user" (builder actually) where they should be coming from. Or do the
  other $(BUILT_SOURCES) suffer the same problem as well?

Just guessing from visual inspection, too lazy to check the full source
and/or try it out. :-)


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