#3410: Mutt crashes when two instances open the same mailbox
 Reporter:  vext01  |       Owner:  me      
     Type:  defect  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major   |   Milestone:          
Component:  mutt    |     Version:          
 Keywords:          |  

Comment(by Matthias Andree):

 Am 03.08.2010, 14:51 Uhr, schrieb Mutt:

 (Only skimming through this, so I may have missed an attachment:)

 Can you post config.log so that developers can see what libraries exactly
 are getting picked up? There's still some magic underneath, particularly
 with the hcache stuff, although I believe it's unrelated.

 To figure if it's a GCC3 bug, make a backup copy of your /opt/mutt and
 recompile with GCC4 :)

 It's likely any of the free() calls given that malloc.conf is configured
 to spam freed memory regions with 0xdf (probably shorthand for dead flash,
 alonside the 0xd0 for doh...)

 I'm not sure if it's practical to look at all free() calls though. Skilled
 debugger users might set conditional breakpoints, or perhaps figure where
 the relevant memory is allocated, set a breakpoint there, and then set
 watch- or tracepoints.

 purify, valgrind, and similar real-time memory debuggers would be a bit
 more promising IMO. In need, try dmalloc or efence, or export
 MALLOC_CHECK_=2 on GNU libc systems - and be sure you can dump core.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3410#comment:>
Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>
The Mutt mail user agent

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