
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 12:08:58 -0700, Mun Johl wrote:
> Here's my issue: I forward Outlook e-mails to my Linux box (IMAP/POP are
> not supported--don't get me started).  When Outlook does the forwarding,
> it alters some of the header.

How do you forward? Do you attach the email to a new email? If not: I
believe Outlook correctly makes a proper message/rfc822 attachment of
it and also forwards all headers. At least a double-check I just made
looked fine (no References: headers in those emails though). That said,
you'd need to (manually?) save the attached messages back to an
mbox/maildir/whatever for them to appear "normal" to mutt. Perhaps
that's something procmail could do.


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