* Brendan Cully on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 13:56:21 -0700
> After all these years, I've just discovered the 'm' (view-mailcap)
> command in the attachment menu


(reading the help does pay off, hehe)

> (previously I used <enter> (view-attach)).

Me too.

> I'm now thinking the new behaviour may be better:

Me too ;-)

> you get paged output if you can, unless you request mailcap
> handling with 'm'. I have a similar w3m handler to yours, with
> copiousoutput to cause mutt to render the attachment for the
> pager. I can use 'm' to read the attachment with firefox (or
> your w3m configuration).

and the default binding is even mnemonic.

> I'm now thinking Rocco's followup patch in this thread isn't
> necessary.

Agreed. I had this nagging feeling it was more a mutt-users
question ...


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