* Rocco Rutte on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 14:00:58 +0200
> * Christian Ebert wrote:
>> imho, I (like the reporter I have $implicit_autoview set) solved
>> the problem described in #3246 with according text/* entries at
>> the end of my mailcap file -- with the advantage that this
>> fallback was customizable (CRLF conversion etc.)
>> I don't really understand the rationale behind this patch. It
>> doesn't feel like an improvement.
> The problem this patch tries to solve is that it's IMHO overkill to have 
> to go and learn mailcap syntax just to make your mailer display _text_ 
> by default. I think mutt should be useable for starters with -nF 
> /dev/null and there it's ugly to be greated with text/foo is 
> unsupported. Yes, it tells you to go to the attachment menu, but there 
> it'll simply dump the text (if no mailcap entry is present)... so why 
> not dump it in the first place without a mailcap entry?
> Of course, you'll need to dig into mailcap et al if you don't like the 
> output your mailer gives you, but something simple as text should just 
> be displayed, I'd say.

I wholeheartedly agree ;-) Sorry for sounding negative.

Not sure whether or when I might stumble over some "^M" spattered
message parts now, but even if, I guess I can live with it.
>> So, how can I make the above mailcap entry work again? Could
>> someone adjust my perspective?
> Can you please try the attached patch? It tries to limit the impact of 
> the change to the pager only. My tests keep working and your example 
> works for me with, too.

It does indeed. Thank you very much (again). Also for taking the
time to explain my habit away.

> --- a/send.c
> +++ b/send.c
> @@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@ ci_send_message (int flags,             /* send mod
>        query_quadoption (OPT_FORWEDIT, _("Edit forwarded message?")) == 
> M_YES))
>     {
>       /* If the this isn't a text message, look for a mailcap edit command */
As I don't speak C I have to nag about something else ;-)

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