#3271: mutt 1.5.20 regression: not updating time fields on mbox
  Reporter:  anto...@dyne.org  |       Owner:  pdmef 
      Type:  defect            |      Status:  closed
  Priority:  minor             |   Milestone:  1.6   
 Component:  mutt              |     Version:  1.5.20
Resolution:  fixed             |    Keywords:        

Comment(by dhduvall):

 Yeah, "correct" is often in the eyes (or fingers) of the beholder.  The
 method I've been using over the years is that new messages mean I haven't
 dealt with them, but I intend to, old messages mean I haven't dealt with
 them and I'm not going to, and flagged messages are ones I've marked as
 interesting and might want to go back to quickly (generally because I'm
 not going to remember the appropriate search terms).  So keeping new
 messages around is common for me, but constantly being told there are new
 messages just masks when a real new message comes in.  That I can't do
 this for maildir folders has always been really annoying, too (though at
 the moment, it does appear to "work").

 I can see if check_mbox_size works for me, but if not, then I'll just
 maintain the patch; I've got a couple of others, too, and with mercurial
 and mq, it's pretty easy to manage.

 I'd also be happy to have another flag to mean what I want, but I don't
 think there's any support for that, either (though if there'd be interest,
 I could work on a patch in my spare time).


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3271#comment:15>
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