#3271: mutt 1.5.20 regression: not updating time fields on mbox
  Reporter:  anto...@dyne.org  |       Owner:  pdmef 
      Type:  defect            |      Status:  closed
  Priority:  minor             |   Milestone:  1.6   
 Component:  mutt              |     Version:  1.5.20
Resolution:  fixed             |    Keywords:        
Changes (by dhduvall):

 * cc: duv...@comfychair.org (added)


 It used to be that if you left a mailbox, mutt would no longer consider it
 in the list of mailboxes with new mail in them until another new message
 arrived.  Thus I could leave new messages in a mailbox for quite some time
 without mutt trying to take me back there.

 This fix (the combination of bd59be56c6b0 and 9ae13dedb5ed) makes the
 situation worse for me, in the sense that it's even further from the
 behavior I'm used to.  My test is to be in a mailbox with some new
 messages in it, force a write (by Newing and then reading another
 message), changing to another mailbox, and seeing whether mutt reports the
 mailbox I came from has new mail.

 Both before and after these changesets, mutt tells me I have new mail, but
 prior to this, if I *don't* force the write, I don't get the message.  Now
 I get the message regardless of whether the mailbox had been written.

 I've traced the problem back to cset b080ae086a62, which introduced
 reset_atime() in the first place, and was the first attempt to fix bug
 1362.  Is there any support for the behavior prior to this cset, or is
 this something I'm going to have to maintain in a private patch?

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3271#comment:12>
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The Mutt mail user agent

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