On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 09:00:20PM +0200, Moritz Barsnick wrote:
> I agree that keeping mails marked as "new" does not allow
> differentiation between "now but seen" and "new and not yet
> seen". But it has worked for me so well for such a long time. Like
> you, I don't go to the length to mark/flag emails once I've seen
> them, even at work using Outlook. I just take notice of them, and
> make sure I go through everything which is still marked new later.

FWIW, I'm another one who uses the "new" status as a reminder of
things I want to deal with later vs. messages that I'm just keeping
around for other reasons.  For one thing, from a navigation standpoint
I can just hit tab to find the newer items and skip over the older
ones.  I have "new" messages that are many months old.

On the other hand I don't use folders at all, and instead do some
categorization with tags in subject lines (I have a custom build that
does this dynamically by calling Lua functions), so my workflow is
probably a bit weird.

                                                  -Dave Dodge

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