On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 11:17:01PM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> Hi,
> * Derek Martin wrote:
> > For what it's worth, the way I would most prefer to process my mail
> > would be like this:
> >  1. start mutt
> >  2. enter first mailbox (in order listed in .muttrc) which contains
> >     new mail.
> >  3. move to the next mailbox in listed order *in a ring* containing
> >     new mail (i.e. if you move on from the first mail folder, change
> >     to the next one in the list with new mail, returning to the first
> >     mailbox after you've gone through all the others in the list with
> >     new mail).
> >  4. repeat until there are no mailboxes containing new mail
> >  5. move to first mailbox containing *unread* (but not new) mail *in a
> >     ring* 
> >  6. repeat until no mailboxes contain unread mail
> You "would" as in "you would but cannot"? What's missing? 

What's missing is two things:

 - Mutt can not detect Old mail (and prompt to change to that folder)
 - Mutt does not treat the list of mailboxes as a ring; it always
   starts from the first one in the list.

> Is that a vote for including the patch adding $next_unread_mailbox?

Maybe, but I haven't tried it.  It sounds like it solves half of the
problem...  That might be good enough.  Though, as someone else (you I
think) pointed out, the name is poor.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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