#2997: Missparsed/decoded headers in index view on IMAP server Changes (by gp):
* priority: minor => major * status: closed => reopened * resolution: invalid => Comment: Well, from _my_ reading of RFC 2047 and RFC 822, RFC 822, 4.1 SYNTAX: {{{ originator = authentic ; authenticated addr [ "Reply-To" ":" 1#address] ) authentic = "From" ":" mailbox ; Single author / ( "Sender" ":" mailbox ; Actual submittor "From" ":" 1#mailbox) ; Multiple authors ; or not sender }}} RFC 822, 6.1 SYNTAX: {{{ mailbox = addr-spec ; simple address / phrase route-addr ; name & addr-spec route-addr = "<" [route] addr-spec ">" route = 1#("@" domain) ":" ; path-relative addr-spec = local-part "@" domain ; global address }}} and RFC 2047, 6.1. Recognition of 'encoded-word's in message headers: {{{ (2) Any header field not defined as '*text' should be parsed according to the syntax rules for that header field. However, any 'word' that appears within a 'phrase' should be treated as an 'encoded-word' if it meets the syntax rules in section 2. Otherwise it should be treated as an ordinary 'word'. }}} this is for sure mutt's own bug. Gmail is encoding the 'phrase', not the 'addr-spec', which is perfectly ok. -- Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2997#comment:6>