
* Elimar Riesebieter [07-09-20 19:37:47 +0200] wrote:

there are so many changes applied to muttlib.c. I want to patch the
latest hg with the sidebarpatch and the only hunk which doesn't
apply is:

Index: mutt-1.5.16+hg20070905/muttlib.c
--- mutt-1.5.16+hg20070905.orig/muttlib.c       2007-09-06 09:47:59.000000000 
+++ mutt-1.5.16+hg20070905/muttlib.c    2007-09-06 09:47:59.000000000 +0200
@@ -1202,7 +1202,10 @@
        ch = *src++; /* pad char */
        /* calculate space left on line.  if we've already written more data
           than will fit on the line, ignore the rest of the line */
-       count = (COLS < destlen ? COLS : destlen);
+       if ( DrawFullLine )
+         count = (COLS < destlen ? COLS : destlen);
+       else
+         count = ((COLS-SidebarWidth) < destlen ? COLS - SidebarWidth : 
        if (count > col)

muttlib.c is totally different to the 20070905-version in that area so that I
don't have an idea to accomplish the related patch.

My suggestion is this: in mutt_FormatString() add a new variable like so:

  int foo = DrawFullLine ? COLS - SidebarWidth : COLS;

and use that through the entire function instead of COLS (with a better name, of course :).

That only this hunk fails makes we wonder why the code for %|X (pad to EOL with X) didn't break, too since it's been made multibyte aware too. What does the sidebar patch do in that case?

  bye, Rocco

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