On 2007-02-27 15:53:14 +0100, Michael Tatge wrote:
> * On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 Vincent Lefevre ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered:
> > The pattern ~X (e.g. ~X1-9) doesn't seem to work any longer, or said
> > otherwise, all the messages are considered as having no attachments
> > (~X0 selects all the messages).
> Works, here. Did you add the necessary config, i.e. attachments
> statements?

OK, I've found the problem. In fact, I have default attachments
statements under Linux, but not under Mac OS X. That's why I was
wondering... The reason is that when Mutt is *first* installed,
a default Muttrc file is installed too. But the upgrades install
a Muttrc.dist only (which isn't taken into account). As I didn't
install Mutt at the same time on both machines, I don't have the
same default configuration.

IMHO, this is a bug, as it clearly leads to inconsistent behaviors.
If the goal is to prevent user modifications from being overwritten,
there are other ways to do, e.g. a Muttrc.local for the users,
and/or a detection of Muttrc modification (e.g. with hashes), or
a merge if a copy of the dist Muttrc is installed too.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <http://www.vinc17.org/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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