
Those warnings has nothing to do with the issue.

It is because now we bind Java.Lang.Comparable which used to be ignored:

and the return type is not what is expected, assumingly it is because the expected type is different from Java.Lang.Object (which is the result of generics erasure).

In such case, it can be fixed by adding metadata like this:

<attr path="/api/package[@name='org.apache.http.cookie']/class[@name='CookiePathComparer']/implements[@name='java.util.Comparator']" name="name">java.util.Comparator&lt;org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie&gt;</attr>

Atsushi Eno

Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED wrote:
I'm seeing a lot of errors now that didn't exist with the last stable release.

For instance:
1>------ Build started: Project: AndroidNGN, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8A04: <attr path="/api/package[@name='org.doubango.ngn.events']/class[@name='NgnPluginEventArgs']/method[@name='writeToParcel']/parameter[@name='p1']"/> matched no nodes 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8C00: For type System.Byte, base interface System.IComparable`1<System.Byte> does not exist. 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8700: Unknown return type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8700: Unknown return type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8700: Unknown return type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8700: Unknown return type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8700: Unknown return type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8700: Unknown return type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8700: Unknown return type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type System.Xml.XmlReader 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type org.apache.http.HttpResponse 1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8800: Unknown parameter type java.text.DateFormat

And then a ton of classes that suddenly don't implement CompareTo.

1>C:\Projects\INS_Android_Mono\AndroidNGN\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Doubango.Ngn.Media.NgnProxyPlugin.cs(8,23,8,37): error CS0535: 'Org.Doubango.Ngn.Media.NgnProxyPlugin' does not implement interface member 'Java.Lang.IComparable.CompareTo(Java.Lang.Object)'



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