>This is the problem with making things "simple": _something_ has to be
installed, and given that a huge number of devices still only have 2.3
installing only recent versions seems silly... That said, we should stop
installing the older API levels; who uses API 4 anymore?

I understand - but I think it would be nice if we either get some kind of
selection screen (knowing that you can still change it easily later on - and
telling the user how that can be achieved). I figure everybody will at some
point have to start the SDK manager anyway.

>Use the .exe-based Android SDK installer. That creates a registry entry
which our installer uses to see if you've already installed the Android SDK.

Actually (forgot to write a followup to my message), things went fine there
- no old release was installed and my version .21 was preserved - it's just
that the M4A installer gave the impression it would install something it
didn't in the end (so perhaps that process of registry checking has some
rough edges.. clearly it didn't install anything, but it initially told it
was going to install sdk r20).

Is there any page where you have download links for the individual m4a
release MSIs so that those who prefer to do things manually can do so? I've
been able to find some links to individual releases but no comprehensive
archive (I think having a link in the revision history would be a good


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