On Jan 3, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED <jk...@ara.com> wrote:
> Furthermore, In:
>     [Register("bulkInsert", 
> "(Landroid/net/Uri;[Landroid/content/ContentValues;)I", "")]
>     public int BulkInsert(Android.Net.Uri url, ContentValues[] values)
>     {
>       IntPtr num1 = JNIEnv.NewArray<ContentValues>(values);
>       ...
>       if (values != null)
>       {
>         JNIEnv.CopyArray<ContentValues>(num1, values);
>         JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef(num1);
>       }
>       return num2;
>     }
> Why is the array copied back in after the function call? values shouldn’t 
> have changed.

_You_ know that. The generator does not; it can change on a method-by-method 
basis, and the generator needs to generate code to support it.

>  url certainly doesn’t get the same treatment.

`url` isn't an array, and thus has "pass by value" semantics.

For example, consider this potential Java method:

        public int bulkInsert(Uri url, ContentValues[] values) {
                url = new Url (...);
                values [0] = new ContentValues (...);

The caller of `bulkInsert()` will _not_ be able to see that bulkInsert() 
modified `url`. That is _not_ true for `values[0]`; the caller _will_ be able 
to see the change performed to `values[0]`, were it to be changed.

 - Jon

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