Furthermore, In:
[Register("bulkInsert", "(Landroid/net/Uri;[Landroid/content/ContentValues;)I", "")] public int BulkInsert(Android.Net.Uri url, ContentValues[] values) { if (ContentResolver.id_bulkInsert_Landroid_net_Uri_arrayLandroid_content_ContentValues_ == IntPtr.Zero) ContentResolver.id_bulkInsert_Landroid_net_Uri_arrayLandroid_content_ContentValues_ = JNIEnv.GetMethodID(ContentResolver.class_ref, "bulkInsert", "(Landroid/net/Uri;[Landroid/content/ContentValues;)I"); IntPtr num1 = JNIEnv.NewArray<ContentValues>(values); IntPtr handle = this.Handle; IntPtr jmethod = ContentResolver.id_bulkInsert_Landroid_net_Uri_arrayLandroid_content_ContentValues_; JValue[] jvalueArray = new JValue[2]; int index1 = 0; jvalueArray[index1] = new JValue((IJavaObject) url); int index2 = 1; jvalueArray[index2] = new JValue(num1); int num2 = JNIEnv.CallIntMethod(handle, jmethod, jvalueArray); if (values != null) { JNIEnv.CopyArray<ContentValues>(num1, values); JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef(num1); } return num2; } Why is the array copied back in after the function call? values shouldn't have changed. url certainly doesn't get the same treatment. Jeremy From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com [mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 4:18 PM To: monodroid@lists.ximian.com Subject: [mono-android] Copying data between Dalvik and Mono... major slowdown. I'm getting killed with bulk inserts via ContentResolver because of the marshaling of ContentValues[] between C# and Android right before it calls into my ContentProvider (C# again). It looks like that must be two copies. I have large arrays (a couple of thousands of elements). Is there any way to make this faster short of not using the android content provider interfaces? Jeremy
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