I'm not the hugest fan of monogame either, to be honest, it seems to be
just a low level opengl wrapper, but it does have a bunch of samples
demoing basic 2D operations in the tutorials, and they export directly to
.apk and run on all my devices without a problem.

I can't see any particular reason you wouldn't be able to bundle the
android build of SDL into your application and use pinvoke to call bits of
http://mono-project.com/Dllimport, but I'd avoid SDL.net; looks like it's
using the old SDL 1.2, not 2.0.

To be honest, if you think monogame is too heavy-weight, maybe have another
look at unity; the basic graphics operations are dead easy:

function OnGUI() {
10, 100, 100), aTexture);

Add that to your monobehaviour, and you have 10 line 2D rendering; there is
a similar trivial API for rendering text.

It's really much of a muchness; Unity is free unless you buy the $400
android exporter; monogame is free, but you need the $400 monodroid
license. *shrug*

(hint; you don't have to use the stupid unity editor to compile your apps;
it has a command line interface too)


On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:52 PM, Paul Johnson

> Hi,
>     Have you looked at using MonoGame (http://monogame.net)? It is made
>> to be XNA 4.0 compatible and games using it have been released on iOS,
>> Android, MacOS, Linux and Windows 8, with Windows Phone 8, Raspberry Pi,
>> PlayStation Mobile and Ouya support in the works.
> I've looked into it. It's overkill (as is Unity) for what I need which is
> why I've looked at SDL.NET or if there are monodroid bindings for libgdx
> anywhere.
> Paul
> --
> "Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly,
> hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way
> down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space, listen..."
> Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, a truly remarkable book!
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