
I have a problem when using my deveolped app..

This is the stacktrace :

+               ex      {System.ArgumentException: Get Method not found for 
  at System.Reflection.MonoProperty.GetValue (System.Object obj,
System.Object[] index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at eGestionaMobile_Datos.DATOS.MONO.eGestionaTableAdapter.getCommandText
(System.Object _objeto, IList`1 propiedades, eAccion _accion, System.String
_where) [0x000ce] in D:\Proyectos
}       System.ArgumentException

Let me explain my architecture.

1º layer) I have an table/object layer. Each table I have to use is included
in this dll. 
2º layer) I have a data engine layer to process all request. It uses the
tables(objects) from 1º layer.
3º layer) I have a business layer that interacts with UI layer and data
engine layer.
4º layer) UI layer...Layouts and activities and so on...

So, I have 3 dlls apart from my UI layer.

The error is given when my data engine layer uses an object from
table/object layer to create a command text to insert into my sqlite. It
uses reflection to get properties from the table/object and creates the

All my app goes fantastic when debugging on any device but when packaging
and installing on device it crashes...when getting the value from the

May I forget some configurating when packaging it? Why works fine when
debugging it and fails when releasing app on device?

Any help please?

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