Hi All, I thought sharing to FB, Twitter, email etc. would be as simple as creating an intent. However, I've found Facebook just completely ignores intent extras. The following code will popup the chooser, and choosing sms/email/twitter all works as expected, with the subject and body in the appropriate place.
Choosing Facebook, however, just shows the Facebook App on the "post to wall" page, but with nothing filled in. Stack Overflow tells me it's a known bug and apparently FB aren't interested in fixing it. Rather, they want you to use the FB SDK. Before I go down that road... do I REALLY have to integrate with the FB SDK to do something so simple? Has anyone found a work around? private void ShareEntry() { Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionSend); sharingIntent.SetType("text/plain"); sharingIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraSubject, "subject"); sharingIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraText, "body"); Intent chooserIntent = Android.Content.Intent.CreateChooser(sharingIntent, "Share via"); StartActivityForResult(chooserIntent, 0); } Steve
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