Thanks for the reply Mel.

I had to do that too for the Samsung devices here (Galaxy Note and Galaxy
I also had a ZTE weird smartphone that had the custom ADB driver in the SD
But unfortunately this is not the case. I am trying to contact the company
that produced it as they should be providing this.


On 9 August 2012 08:37, Miljenko Cvjetko <> wrote:

>  Hi Goncalo
> On 2012.08.08 14:50, Goncalo Oliveira wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>  We have acquired a Unitech TB100 tablet (rugged device) to do some
> testing. Though, the ADB driver does not seem to work with it. I can only
> use it as an MTP usb device.
> Tablet development settings are on and I even updated the google usb
> driver, but I can't seem to make it recognizable to ADB.
>  Any idea if I can workaround this?
> I had a case when google drivers did not help with
>    - HTC Sensation
>    - Sony Xperia X10
>    - Samsung Galaxy S II
> instead of searching only for drivers I have installed apps that come with
> those phones:
>    - Sync for HTC
>    - Ericsson PC companion for Xperia
>     - Samsung Kies for Glalaxy
> I know it might be too much to install all of that, but it helped (I
> assume there are newest drivers for those
> devices)
> Does such app exists for TB100?
> greetings
> mel
>  Cheers
>  --
> Gonçalo Oliveira
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