I think you are correct. You have the minimum level set to android 1.6, so the 
app has to run there.  Android.Resource.Id.Home doesn't exist there, so it 
can't be used.  What happens if you use the compat libraries for this type of 
support?  I'm not sure if it's there or not, but I wanted to at least offer it 
as an idea.

> Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 01:52:46 -0700
> From: dan.fear...@gmail.com
> To: monodroid@lists.ximian.com
> Subject: [mono-android] Android.Resource.Id.Home Missing...
> I have a project that is targeting Android API Level 15, with a minimum SDK
> of Android 1.6. I'm trying to access Android.Resource.Id.Home, but it's
> missing. I've tried using global::, so it's definitely the correct resource.
> I'm wondering, is it not present because of my target/minimum level? I know
> it was added in API level 11.
> Thanks!
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://mono-for-android.1047100.n5.nabble.com/Android-Resource-Id-Home-Missing-tp5711148.html
> Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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