On 2012.06.27 15:45, Jonathan Pryor wrote:
On Jun 26, 2012, at 5:50 PM, Miljenko Cvjetko wrote:
For me some help is:
but in AchartEngine there are no properties, but some internal (that appear in
each class)
Properties are a .NET concept, not a Java concept (except by JavaBean
convention, and they're still just methods). As such...
• opened up Transforms/Metadata.xml
• tried property
This won't work (i.e. it won't match anything); there are no <property/>
elements within the API description, as you saw.
I tried to explain steps I have done until I have managed to change what
Wally was referring to...
This Wally's question confused me a bit. In AChartLibrary I didn't need
to rename properties, just
event handlers. Initially I thought maybe Wally wanted to change get/set
pair of methods (what
properties actually are) and that was something new for me.
Then I saw his sample and that was actually a field in java.
There is still a lot to read and to document about binding projects...
Samples would be great...
but thanks for clarifications...
- Jon
Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
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