Hi Wally

On 2012.06.25 22:23, Wally McClure wrote:
As a followup to this, I am getting a bunch of generator.exe errors that look like this: ------ Build started: Project: BindingLibrary, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Novell\Xamarin.Android.Bindings.targets(197,5): error MSB6006: "generator.exe" exited with code -532462766.

------ Build started: Project: ExampleJavaBindings, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------

========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 2 failed, 0 skipped ==========
something like:
It seems that xml breaks generator.exe.
I have filed bug report when there is whietspace in element content:

And now about Your errors - inline

From: theevilprogram...@hotmail.com
To: monodroid@lists.ximian.com
Subject: transforming a property in a java library project
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 15:51:18 -0400

I have created a class called operations in .java file in eclipse. Everything compiles as intended in Eclipse. I want to then import my jar file into a java binding project in MfA 4.2. I have INTENTIONALLY created a property in java that will result in a conflict with an initializer in C#. My question is how do I go about fixing this via the transform .xml files?

In the EnumMethods.xml file, I have tried:
  <mapping jni-class="com/scalabledevelopment/math/Operations">
    <method jni-name="Operations" parameter="Operations"
      clr-enum-type="FixedOperations" />

as will as:
  <mapping jni-class="com/scalabledevelopment/math/Operations">
    <method jni-name="Operations"
      clr-enum-type="FixedOperations" />

It seems it is xml again - from what I can see (blurred) w/o coffee this early in the morning.
You're closing <mapping> twice: with /> and </mapping>...

Neither of the above options helps me.

I have tried to go into Metadata.xml and use the following:
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.scalabledevelopment.math']/class[@name='Operations']/property[@name='Operations']" name="managedName" >NumOperations</attr>

And here I think it is not property, but method!
Props are methods....


<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.scalabledevelopment.math']/class[@name='Operations']/method[@name='Operations']" name="managedName" >NumOperations</attr>

see my sample above.... (achartengine wrapped)
real world (acharengine + admob)

AdMob is not done (yet)

Unfortunately, I have no luck there as well.

My other option is to go into the source file at obj/Debug/generated/src/.cs file. I can fix the error there, but won't the file be overwritten the next time I perform a compile?
it will - so no use. Don't do it.

Ideas, thoughts, and whatever are appreciated.
try commenting/uncommenting metadata.xml in my project. It helped me a lot...




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