On Mar 20, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Miha Markic wrote:
> Hopefully is on to-do list.

Yes, but it's hard to properly support, and thus other things tend to get 
higher priority (like sgen fixes, shortening the lifetime of Java.Lang.Object 
subclasses, etc.).

> Do you have any suggestions how to track such problems? (just in case).

Trace your code [0]:

        adb shell setprop debug.mono.trace N:YourNamespace

See the --trace docs at: http://docs.go-mono.com/?link=man%3amono(1)

> BTW I think catching Task exceptions has similar problems. Correct?

The resident Task expert is not entirely sure what you mean. So I'm going to go 
with "no."

 - Jon

[0] http://docs.xamarin.com/android/advanced_topics/diagnostics

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