

I try to use a 3rd party library with JNI.


I have the following java method header:  

public static native int Msg_UpdateOptions(int lIdentifier, boolean bEnabled, 
boolean bQueue, String functionName, int convention, Object callBackObj);


I import the method with this code:

public static int Msg_UpdateOptions(uint lIdentifier, bool bEnabled, bool 
bQueue, String functionName, int convention, Java.Lang.Object callBackObj)


       IntPtr methodId = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID(mAlkClass, 
"Msg_UpdateOptions", "(IZZLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/Object;)I");

       return JNIEnv.CallStaticIntMethod(mAlkClass, methodId, new JValue[] { 

             new JValue(lIdentifier), 

             new JValue(bEnabled),

             new JValue(bQueue),

             new JValue(new Java.Lang.String(functionName)),

             new JValue(convention),

             new JValue(callBackObj)




In the Java sample the method is used in this way:

Msg_UpdateOptions(AlkMsg.MSG_ID_TurnInstructions, true, false, 
"OnTurnInstructionReceived", 0, this );


Where 'this' is an activity and OnTurnInstructionReceived is a method of the 


public void OnTurnInstructionReceived(int buffer, int len)




When I try this in c#, my app crashes without an error. I think the library try 
to call my OnTurnInstructionReceived method. Does anyone have an idea what is 

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