One of these days we'll get the JNI doc published which discusses many of these 

In the meantime...

On Jan 10, 2012, at 4:58 AM, Tomasz Cielecki wrote:
> My guess it has something to do with my implementation of my GetNotifyHandler.

Not GetNotifyHandler(), but n_Notify():

>        static void n_Notify(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr lrefThis, String a)

What's going on is a "reverse P/Invoke": you're creating a delegate 
(`cb_notify`), which is passed to native code (Dalvik), and the delegate is 
invoked. This means that you need to stick to types that the P/Invoke marshaler 
knows about.

In this case, the P/Invoke marshaler will see a `string` parameter, assume that 
it's a UTF-8 `const char*` value, and behaves accordingly. However, that's not 
what the parameter will be, it'll be a java.lang.String instance, which the 
P/Invoke marshaler knows nothing about.

The solution is to manually marshal things:

        static void n_Notify(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr lrefThis, IntPtr native_a)
                ManagedAccessControlJavascriptNotify __this = 
                                lrefThis, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer);
                Java.Lang.String a = 
                                a, JniHandleOwnership.DoNotTransfer);
                __this.Notify (a);

> What happens if the Javascript interface wants to pass a Java.Lang.String to 
> the managed code and the Action there has the type System.String.

Convert the Java.Lang.String to a System.String by using 
Java.Lang.String.ToString(). :-)

 - Jon

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