OK, So it kind of works, but there is a small problem. The notify method I override always has null as its parameter when a result of not being null is expected. So the Javascript Interface invokes the method, but nothing is passed along as parameter.
So investigating a bit I tried just instantiating the Java object and pass it directly like this: IntPtr AccessControlJavascriptNotify_Class = JNIEnv.FindClass("monodroid/watoolkit/library/login/AccessControlJavascriptNotify"); IntPtr AccessControlJavascriptNotify_Ctor = JNIEnv.GetMethodID(AccessControlJavascriptNotify_Class, "<init>", "()V"); IntPtr AccessControlJavascriptNotify_Instance = JNIEnv.NewObject(AccessControlJavascriptNotify_Class, AccessControlJavascriptNotify_Ctor); webView.AddJavascriptInterface(new Java.Lang.Object(AccessControlJavascriptNotify_Instance, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef), "external"); I edited my Java class to be a bit verbose: package monodroid.watoolkit.library.login; import android.util.Log; public class AccessControlJavascriptNotify { private static final String TAG = "AccessControlJavascriptNotify"; public void notify(String securityTokenResponse) { Log.v(TAG, securityTokenResponse); } } This spits out what I want in the Log unlike the managed code. Any reason to why there is a difference? What I want to do with the result is save it and fire an event when I get it, so I need a way to do this. On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 3:46 AM, Jonathan Pryor <j...@xamarin.com> wrote: > On Jan 9, 2012, at 6:42 PM, Tomasz Cielecki wrote: >> Would it be enough just to copy it into the main project? > > Yes, or Link the file into your main project. The key point is that if you > want it in the .apk and it's not C# code, it needs to be in the main project. > This includes resources, Java source, Java libraries, assets... > > - Jon > > _______________________________________________ > Monodroid mailing list > Monodroid@lists.ximian.com > > UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: > http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/monodroid -- Med Venlig Hilsen / With Best Regards Tomasz Cielecki http://ostebaronen.dk _______________________________________________ Monodroid mailing list Monodroid@lists.ximian.com UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/monodroid