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Stop feeding the troll... Ignore Sayed.

Le 27 nov. 2011 15:35, "Karl Heinz Brehme Arredondo" <> a écrit :

> C'mon ppl, think on peace and teach who need, all person have the right to
> learn and no one in the World knows everything. If someone feel that
> already teached so don't have need to be a self superstar and throw all
> inferior peaple to trash. Hitler throw all inferior people to death it's
> almost the same, it let to wars instead peace and evolution of the
> humankind.
> Things like below are just preconception, you mean all guys from Xamarin
> that aren't born in USA do not deserve to be hired, to work, to be
> intelligent, to be creators, to live?
> I born in Chile, live in Brazil and all my genealogy above me is from
> German and England. I could be an american indian, oriental, or a mix of
> everything. All ppl deserve equal rights. Please think first on peace and
> avoid war.
> Everyone has the right to make mistakes, to learn, to teach and to be
> taught. No one is the center of the Universe.
> Thanks,
> Karl
> From: Sayed Arian Kooshesh <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 23:57:59 -0600
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: [mono-android] Simple project with massive memory leak
> Stop hiring from outside the u.s.
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