Sayed, when the DownloadString function (the main function for the thread) is finished, it's destroyed and the webclient is de-referenced, the only reference left is the one on the async call which is eliminated when the async call finishes, so, your im-so-good theroy is wrong WORNGGG!!! XD
WevClient lekas memory because it some times can't destroy the async results and on each async result a handle to an synchronization object lives, so sometimes those objects are not destroyed. 2011/11/27 Sayed Arian Kooshesh <> > here let me put this another way. > > you are creating a thread in a callback that creates another thread in > it's call back. Basically, nothing goes out of scope, GC does nothing. > Is tha tsimple enough for you non-programmers? > _______________________________________________ > Monodroid mailing list > > > UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: > >
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