I have several Activities that make Web Service calls. The Web Service calls
are actually Synchronous (they will time-out); but, they are run on a
separate thread so the UI continues (per some documentation I found).

If the Activity is interrupted by the user pressing the device's "Home"
button, is the Activity process killed immediately, including the threads
that may be waiting for Web Service call returns? If so, is there some way
to define a "critical region" that can't be interrupted? I've figured out
how to block the "Back Button"; but I can't do much about "Home" or things
like incoming phone calls interrupting the current Activity.

Trying to "Save State" at the Activity/Application level to include
interrupted thread-waiting Activities really seems like a lot of work. I
hope I haven't created a monster by following the documentation on Web
Service calls.

Detailed testing by button-pushing (non-developer) testers is producing some
ugly errors having to do with synchronization. Any help is greatly
Steve Sharrock

Monodroid mailing list


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