I’ve had similar, unpredictable crashes, all following a GC_EXPLICIT. Sometimes 
this in the scenario Božo describes, other times just moving between activities 
in the UI, or loading largish files.


I’ve had mixed results with trying to control the GC. For instance within a 
series of StartActivityForResults I inhibited the GC from collecting activities 
by keeping a reference in the Application singleton – this improved things 
significantly but obviously isn’t the best solution with a GC-based system.


My feeling is that there isn’t a particular bug with, say, sockets. I think 
there’s a bug in the GC which occurs randomly from the application’s viewpoint.


It definitely gets my vote as the “number 1 thing to fix on MD or Xamarin” 
(although I can see that fixing activation issues is probably quite important 






From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com 
[mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Bozo Ivkovic
Sent: 06 June 2011 08:57
To: Discussions related to Mono for Android
Subject: Re: [mono-android] WebClient.DownloadFileAsync - unreliable on 3.0


If you're using multithreading for UI synchronization, i.e. for displaying 
progressbar of download status, consider reducing the number of UI refresh 
events on the UI thread. We discovered that MD has occasional crashes(non 
catchable) if you are synchronizing UI thread in very short time intervals, 
while having long running working thread in background. I expirienced this not 
only with sockets, but with heavy database loads(sqllite). 


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 08:30, Nic Wise <n...@fastchicken.co.nz> wrote:

webclient (on ios) uses sockets, and I'd assume the droid version is
the same. this usually bypasses the internal "keep the WAN up" stuff,
so you might need to use something else to keep it working. Maybe ping
a website with whatever the android sdk provides, and hence keep the
WAN going....

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 07:27, Craig Dunn
<craig.d...@conceptdevelopment.net> wrote:
> I'm currently downloading 50~100Mb ZIP files in my Monodroid app.
> Using WebClient.DownloadFileAsync().
> The code works fine ~100% of the time in MonoTouch on iOS. It even worked
> pretty reliably on an older Android device (Galaxy Tab 7" with 2.2 i think),
> although it did sometimes fail.
> BUT on a Samsung 10.1" with Honeycomb (3.0) it struggles to work **1 time
> out of 20** (or less!). The failure point varies - could be at 2% complete
> or 90% complete or anywhere in-between. Doesn't seem to be a pattern.
> logcat tells me that whenever it fails, a GC_EXPLICIT occurs - although I've
> no idea if this is related, since sometimes GC_EXPLICIT occurs during the
> download but does _not_ affect it. I sometimes see TelephonyRegistry
> radioTurnedOff messages too.
> ANY suggestions/thoughts appreciated...
> Craig

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Nic Wise
t.  +44 7788 592 806 | @fastchicken | http://www.linkedin.com/in/nicwise
b. http://www.fastchicken.co.nz/ | http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicwise

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