This was something we discussed fixing last week. I think Kumpera committed
a few fixes related to this (to at least spew an exception to the console or
something) instead of just abort()ing. My memory is a bit vague, but I think
the situation will be improving in the next MonoTouch and Mono-for-Android

>From what I remember, Miguel was saying this was a common problem and we
definitely aim to fix as many of these cases as we can.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Jonathan Pryor <> wrote:

> On Jul 26, 2011, at 8:30 AM, Wally McClure wrote:
> > To add to this, I have also seen issues where something happens in the
> try part of the try-catch and nothing is caught.
> The explanation for this is straightforward: the mono runtime aborted. No
> exception is thrown for most of mono's abort conditions.
> Eventually, running within the debugger should allow you to get the stack
> trace for when mono aborts, but that doesn't help if you're not debugging.
> However, it's entirely plausible that mono will log the stack trace/etc. to
> `adb logcat`; it would be interesting if someone could verify this.
> As always, if you do get a repro for this, please file a bug.
>  - Jon
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