On Jul 25, 2011, at 1:00 PM, Andrew Sinclair wrote:
> I've found 2 things that made my app more reliable (NB. "more reliable" not 
> "totally reliable")...
> ·       I had a tight loop calling RunOnUiThread to update an activity when 
> performing a background task. For a long-running task this sometimes caused a 
> crash (NB. not an application level exception, just the usual "app has 
> died"). Suppose this tried to perform 5,000 UI updates in 1 minute - 80% of 
> the time the app would crash doing this. I changed the updates to be only 10% 
> of this - app has never crashed since. The crash was always associated with a 
> GC_EXPLICIT in the logs.

Have you filed a bug for this? If not, could you?

> ·       I had a number of activities using StartActivityForResult. At 
> seemingly-random times in the activity lifecycle the app would die. I changed 
> the app to hold a reference to each activity globally, in order to inhibit 
> the GC (not a good idea I know). This increased reliability significantly. To 
> me it "felt" like activities were being GC'd before OnDestroy was called, but 
> that's guesswork.

Have you filed this as well? A repro would be nice, but this seems more 

 - Jon

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