On 18/01/2025 14:57, Christian Walde wrote:
With this email i'm starting my request to take over https:// metacpan.org/pod/Test::Pod::No404s

I've CC'd the only two emails i could find for CPAN user APOCAL ( apo...@cpan.org and p...@0ne.us ), and tweeted at their twitter account https://x.com/mithaldu/status/1880614331546824712, hopefully they reply.

I've also CC'd people who i could find having talked to them before and having made requests for takeover (dolmen) or bug reports, prs, downstream usage. If any of y'all have a way to contact APOCAL, i'd appreciate help.

I've also asked on IRC and did some research. Tho due to the name, research is rather hard. From all i can find, APOCAL disappeared in november 2014 with no further activity on github/cpan/RT/twitter, their bitbucket account https://bitbucket.org/Apocal/ got deleted, their website http://0ne.us/ is a placeholder page, and that's where i've run dry so far.

If dolmen, as indicated in their original request here https:// github.com/apocalypse/perl-test-pod-no404s/pull/3 still wants to step up, i would of course be perfectly happy with that.

If you have suggestions for further steps i could take, i'd be perfectly happy to take them as well.

Since this email there has been no communication whatsoever from APOCAL, nor anyone else, or any hint that they might still be active.

As such i am requesting perms for Test::Pod::No404s.

With regards,
Christian Walde

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