With this email i'm starting my request to take over
I've CC'd the only two emails i could find for CPAN user APOCAL (
apo...@cpan.org and p...@0ne.us ), and tweeted at their twitter account
https://x.com/mithaldu/status/1880614331546824712, hopefully they reply.
I've also CC'd people who i could find having talked to them before and
having made requests for takeover (dolmen) or bug reports, prs,
downstream usage. If any of y'all have a way to contact APOCAL, i'd
appreciate help.
I've also asked on IRC and did some research. Tho due to the name,
research is rather hard. From all i can find, APOCAL disappeared in
november 2014 with no further activity on github/cpan/RT/twitter, their
bitbucket account https://bitbucket.org/Apocal/ got deleted, their
website http://0ne.us/ is a placeholder page, and that's where i've run
dry so far.
If dolmen, as indicated in their original request here
https://github.com/apocalypse/perl-test-pod-no404s/pull/3 still wants to
step up, i would of course be perfectly happy with that.
If you have suggestions for further steps i could take, i'd be perfectly
happy to take them as well.
With regards,
Christian Walde