Great, thanks Neil, and sorry for the slow reply. I'll get a release out
in the next few days with at least one bug fix.
Jean-Marie - you are very welcome to have the module back at any time!
On 14/12/2022 14:32, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Andy,
I’ve just given you co-maint on ODF::lpOD and the other modules in the
ODF-lpOD distribution.
I didn’t get a reply from Jean-Marie (JMGDOC), so be aware that he may
subsequently choose to revoke the co-maint. Jean-Marie, if you don’t
want Andy to have co-maint, you can just email me directly (or
reply-all), and I’ll revert this change.
In the mean-time, thank you for taking this on, and please maintain
acknowledgement of Jean-Marie as the author.