Hi Bob,

Hope you’re settled back into “normal” life :-)

Please could you indicate your intent? My reading of your previous messages was 
that you wanted to remain as co-maint, but pass first-come on the OpenGL 
modules to me (and add ZMUGHAL as co-maint, though if I’m right I can take care 
of that).

If that is so, and you don’t have easy access to your PAUSE credentials, all 
you need to do is reply “yes” to this email, and the gods of PAUSE (who are 
Cc:ed) can action it in due course.

Best regards,

From: Ed .<mailto:ej...@hotmail.com>
Sent: 30 January 2022 01:22
To: Bob Free<mailto:bf...@graphcomp.com>
Cc: Zakariyya Mughal<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>; 
chm<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>; Mithaldu<mailto:walde.christ...@gmail.com>; 
Bob Free<mailto:bf...@cpan.org>; modules@perl.org<mailto:modules@perl.org>
Subject: RE: Perl OpenGL question

In fact, I’ve even Cc:ed them for maximum ease!

From: Ed .<mailto:ej...@hotmail.com>
Sent: 28 January 2022 06:15
To: Bob Free<mailto:bf...@graphcomp.com>
Cc: Zakariyya Mughal<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>; 
chm<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>; Mithaldu<mailto:walde.christ...@gmail.com>; 
Bob Free<mailto:bf...@cpan.org>
Subject: RE: Perl OpenGL question

By the way, if you have difficulty with logging in to PAUSE, an email to 
modules@perl.org<mailto:modules@perl.org> asking them to effect this also 
works, albeit there’s a delay till a human gets to it.

Best regards,

From: Ed .<mailto:ej...@hotmail.com>
Sent: 28 January 2022 06:02
To: Bob Free<mailto:bf...@graphcomp.com>
Cc: Zakariyya Mughal<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>; 
chm<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>; Mithaldu<mailto:walde.christ...@gmail.com>; 
Bob Free<mailto:bf...@cpan.org>
Subject: RE: Perl OpenGL question


You need to log into PAUSE on https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery and for 
the distribution OpenGL, add ETJ (me) and ZMUGHAL (Zaki) as co-maints – no 
emails involved. If you’re feeling like passing on the torch, then pass 
first-come to either of us, though it’s obviously a good idea to leave yourself 
as co-maint.

Best regards,

From: Bob Free<mailto:bf...@graphcomp.com>
Sent: 28 January 2022 06:00
To: Ed .<mailto:ej...@hotmail.com>
Cc: Zakariyya Mughal<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>; 
chm<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>; Mithaldu<mailto:walde.christ...@gmail.com>; 
Bob Free<mailto:bf...@cpan.org>
Subject: Re: Perl OpenGL question

Apologies - my fiancee and I got married, just got back into town.

I’ve not touched the OpenGL module in over a decade; happy to add you.

I don’t believe metacpan existed back when I was working on it, and haven’t 
been able to login.

As soon as I get this resolved, I’ll add you.

What email addresses am I adding?

Thanks - Bob

On Jan 27, 2022, at 7:03 PM, Ed . <ej...@hotmail.com<mailto:ej...@hotmail.com>> 

Hi Bob,

We’d quite like to complete an update to the CPAN version of OpenGL, as we’re 
just finishing a modernisation of the repo with GitHub Actions-based CI. I 
appreciate you may still be busy at work, but I note that you weren’t the 
original author but someone to whom the library was handed, and I assume you 
aren’t intending for it to just slowly bit-rot forever?

Best regards,

From: Ed .<mailto:ej...@hotmail.com>
Sent: 09 January 2022 08:20
To: Bob Free<mailto:bf...@graphcomp.com>; Zakariyya 
Cc: chm<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>; 
Mithaldu<mailto:walde.christ...@gmail.com>; Bob Free<mailto:bf...@cpan.org>
Subject: RE: Perl OpenGL question

Hi Bob,

I’m taking a look at OpenGL again, and fixing a couple of bugs. I can’t release 
them yet because only you and BBENNETT have permission on it: 

Could I ask you again to add me (ETJ) and Zaki (ZMUGHAL) as co-maints?

Also, you alluded in an email in May last year, to changes you’ve made on your 
own fork. Could you point me at those so I can incorporate them?

Best regards,

From: Bob Free<mailto:bf...@graphcomp.com>
Sent: 22 November 2021 06:03
To: Zakariyya Mughal<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>
Cc: chm<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>; 
Mithaldu<mailto:walde.christ...@gmail.com>; Ed .<mailto:ej...@hotmail.com>; Bob 
Subject: Re: Perl OpenGL question

Thanks for the heads-up!  As usual, I’m swamped - but happy to help out if I 

I know that over the years, I’ve made minor updates on my own fork.

- Bob

On Nov 21, 2021, at 2:01 PM, Zakariyya Mughal 
<zaki.mug...@gmail.com<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I also want to loop in Bob Free (BFREE).

Best regards,
- Zaki Mughal

On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 2:07 PM Zakariyya Mughal 
<zaki.mug...@gmail.com<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Forgot the reply-all! See message below.

On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 2:06 PM Zakariyya Mughal 
<zaki.mug...@gmail.com<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Chris and all,

I've invited all to the GitHub organisation <https://github.com/Perl-GPU> (in 
hopes of working on
other hardware acceleration APIs in the future). It would be helpful to 
transfer any OpenGL-related repos
there. The invitation might be in your e-mail as a link to 

>From there we can see what needs to be done with PAUSE. I believe that we will 
>need to contact
Bob Free and/or the PAUSE admins for that.

Best regards,
- Zaki Mughal

On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 11:20 AM chm 
<devel.chm...@gmail.com<mailto:devel.chm...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Zaki and all-

I am not doing perl/PDL/OpenGL but you are more than welcome to migrate
the github repositories to new management.  If you need any permissions to
do the job, please let me know.

On 11/21/2021 12:18 AM, Zakariyya Mughal wrote:
Hi all,

Just following up on this.

An update: all the PDLPorters repos have cross-platform continuous integration 

I would like that level of support for Perl OpenGL and I believe working on 
GitHub will help achieve that.

Best regards,
- Zaki Mughal

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 8:45 AM Zakariyya Mughal 
<zaki.mug...@gmail.com<mailto:zaki.mug...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi chm, Mithaldu, Ed,

I have been working through improving the automated CI for PDLPorters
<https://github.com/PDLPorters/devops/pull/8> and noticed that I had an
open PR for doing something similar with the OpenGL.pm code here
<https://github.com/zmughal/pogl/pull/1> from 2016 (albeit with Travis
CI instead of GitHub Actions).

I believe at some point we were discussing in IRC about moving OpenGL
development to GitHub either as a mirror or just starting development on
GitHub as done with the PDL repositories.

I would like to offer any help if that can be done and to start working
through the issues here <https://sourceforge.net/p/pogl/bugs/> and
creating an Alien::OpenGL to help consolidate some of the build

Perhaps a first step is to create a Perl OpenGL organisation on GitHub?
I noticed that <https://metacpan.org/author/BFREE> has owner permissions
here <https://metacpan.org/dist/OpenGL/permissions> and was wondering if
you are in contact with them. Would they be interested in bringing in
OpenGL::Image / OpenGL::Shader?

- Zaki

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