jeudi 1 octobre 2020, 23:17:42 CEST Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Luc,
> You now have co-maint on the MHonArc package, which is what was stopping your 
> releases from being indexed. Sorry for missing that. I’ve logged a bug 
> against PAUSE for its missing of this (passing the buck :-)
> I added this perm to DVERDIN, HORNBURG, and NEZUMI as well.
> Cheers,
> Neil

Thank you very much, Neil.

I have conflict when posting the package to PAUSE:
$ cpan-upload MHonArc-2.6.20.tar.gz
registering upload with PAUSE web server
POSTing upload for MHonArc-2.6.20.tar.gz to
request failed with error code 409
  Message: Conflict

I already deleted my previous uploads so I don’t see what I can do
now. I could create a higher version but I already did that previously
(while trying to understand the problem you solved).

Is there a way you could reset the known version of mhonarc in PAUSE
to 2.6.19 (the current published version)?

Thank you.

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