Hello, As stated in the email below, I am the author of SlideMap.pm. I went looking for the code in cpan this past week but could not find it. Can you help?
Best, Joe White ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Joseph White <joseph.a.whi...@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 10:32 PM Subject: SlideMap.pm To: <c...@perl.org> Hello, About 16 years ago I submitted a module to CPAN called "SlideMap.pm". The module converted coordinates from microtitre plates to spotted arrays. The software was used at The Institute for Genomic Research. After I submitted my work, I was able to find the code in CPAN when I needed a fresh download. Now, it seems, I am not able to find the distribution. Can you tell me whether this code is still in CPAN? If not, why not. Thanks fo your help. Regards, Joe White (author of SlideMap.pm)