Thank you, Neil (including for the kind words), and thank you Kevin. I have 
some ideas on how to improve this module, since I have ideas on how to improve 
EUMM which would make it useful for it to understand “make” syntax (where the 
parsing code lives is an interesting problem, for further pondering).

Onwards and upwards!

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Kevin’s Phair<>
Sent: 05 July 2020 19:16
To: Neil Bowers<>
Cc:<>; PAUSE Admins 
Subject: Re: Ed Mohawk would like to adopt your Make module

Cool, thanks for taking care of the work on that.

On Sun, Jul 5, 2020 at 1:58 PM Neil Bowers 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Kevin,
I don't think the ADOPTME wasn't intentional. Looking back I see a warning 
about it from back in 2016 that I guess I ignored; I suspect I didn't realize I 
had to remove it when I took over the module.

That being said, while I planned on working on any reported issues, and any 
work that might be needed to keep it working on perl 7, I don't mind passing on 
the first-come permission to someone who might want to do more with it. I would 
like to keep co-maintainer on it though.

Ok. Given that Ed is a safe pair of hands, and I’m sure would be happy to have 
a co-conspirator, I’ve give Ed the first-come permissions on the modules in the 
Make distribution, with you retaining co-maint.

I’ve dropped ADOPTME from all of them.


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