
I am trying to upload a new version of Math::GSL. I was assigned
as comaintainer and this is my first upload to CPAN. After I
uploaded version 0.42 of the module I got an email from

The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.
Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions.

  User: HAKONH (Hakon Haegland)
  Distribution file: Math-GSL-0.42.tar.gz
  Number of files: 1347
  *.pm files: 59
  README: Math-GSL-0.42/README.md
  META-File: Math-GSL-0.42/META.json
  META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414
  META-driven index: yes
  Timestamp of file: Fri Jun 12 22:09:20 2020 UTC
  Time of this run: Fri Jun 12 22:30:46 2020 UTC

Status of this distro: Permission missing

The following packages (grouped by status) have been found in the distro:

Status: Permission missing

     module : Math::GSL::QRNG::Halton
     version: 0
     in file: lib/Math/GSL/QRNG.pm
     status : Not indexed because permission missing. Current registered
             primary maintainer is AMBS. Hint: you can always find the
             legitimate maintainer(s) on PAUSE under "View Permissions".

     module : Math::GSL::QRNG::Niederreiter2
     version: 0
     in file: lib/Math/GSL/QRNG.pm
     status : Not indexed because permission missing. Current registered
             primary maintainer is AMBS. Hint: you can always find the
             legitimate maintainer(s) on PAUSE under "View Permissions".


I wonder how I can resolve these warnings about missing permissions? I have
tried to contact user AMBS on GitHub


but have got no response so far. The strange thing is that the modules was
uploaded despite the permission warnings, see:


And if I search on metacpan.org for one of the modules that I am
missing permission to upload, for instance Math::GSL::QRNG::Halton, I get no


so the module apparently does not exist on CPAN??

(Another issue: If I go to http://www.cpantesters.org/author/H/HAKONH.html
the page is empty. Any ideas what is going on?)

Best regards,
Håkon Hægland

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