>>>>> On Wed, 6 Nov 2019 10:14:32 +0000, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> 
>>>>> said:

  > I’m assuming that Liz scheduled deletions of all her releases from her
  > author directory. Are you able to confirm that from logs, Andreas?


  > Can you produce a list of the dists that she recently released, as
  > opposed to a list of all her past releases, which I can get from
  > BackPAN?

(from #toolchain):
02:59:29 < mst> ... anybody got river stats handy? cos it looks like lizmat 
just burned her entire set of cpan dists away
03:01:52 < Grinnz> https://metacpan.org/author/ELIZABETH/releases?size=500 has 
the river stats

  > The more important dists to worry about are any that are relied on by
  > other dists on CPAN.

The above list comes with the river indicator.

  > I’ll have a look tonight and see if I can identify dependent dists on
  > CPAN, so we can prioritise addressing those.

I'm not sure who else has started behind the scenes to tie the loose
ends together.

  > As an aside: it would be handy if PAUSE alerted us whenever someone
  > schedules deletion of a dist that is relied on by one or more other
  > dists.

Oh yes.


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