Hi CPAN module admins,

We, the developers of OpenXPKI, are interested in contributing to and, if 
needed, adopting Crypt::X509.

We were able to reach the co-maintainer, who stated he no longer has an 
interest in the module and he himself has been unable to reach the owner in 
over 15 years. Our mail to the owner bounced (please see below).

Therefore, I respectfully request consideration for adding my PAUSE id 
(MRSCOTTY) as co-maintainer or owner of the Crypt::X509 module.

With best regards,


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: mailer-dae...@mx-out2.ewr1.develooper.com (Mail Delivery System)
> Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
> Date: August 21, 2019 at 14:56:50 EDT
> To: shar...@whiterabbitsecurity.com
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> From: Scott Hardin <shar...@whiterabbitsecurity.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Contribution / Change Request to Crypt::X509
> Date: August 21, 2019 at 14:56:24 EDT
> To: jacks...@cpan.org
> Cc: Oliver Welter <owel...@whiterabbitsecurity.com>, 
> alexander.w.j...@gmail.com
> Hi Mike,
> We are using Crypt::X509 for our OpenXPKI project and need some extensions to 
> the module (e.g. some new OIDs, etc.). 
> Are you still maintaining the CPAN package and if so, what is your preferred 
> way to accept contributions? If you are no longer interested in maintaining 
> this module, would it be possible to adopt ownership from you? We already 
> contacted Alexander Jung, the co-maintainer, and he no longer has interest in 
> maintaining this module.
> With best regards,
> Scott Hardin
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Oliver Welter <m...@oliwel.de <mailto:m...@oliwel.de>>
>> Subject: Fwd: Re: Contribution / Chaneg Request to Crypt::X509
>> Date: August 10, 2019 at 08:23:03 EDT
>> To: Scott Hardin <shar...@whiterabbitsecurity.com 
>> <mailto:shar...@whiterabbitsecurity.com>>
>> Cc: Martin Bartosch <mbarto...@whiterabbitsecurity.com 
>> <mailto:mbarto...@whiterabbitsecurity.com>>
>> Hi Scott,
>> s.u. - wäre es möglich das Paket zu übernehmen oder ist es einfacher das zu 
>> forken?
>> Oli
>> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
>> Betreff:     Re: Contribution / Chaneg Request to Crypt::X509
>> Datum:       Sat, 10 Aug 2019 10:41:52 +0200
>> Von:         Alexander Jung <alexander.w.j...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:alexander.w.j...@gmail.com>>
>> An:  Oliver Welter <m...@oliwel.de <mailto:m...@oliwel.de>>
>> Hello,
>> as you already know, my last edit there is almost 10 years ago. I do no 
>> longer have any projects done in Perl.
>> So from my point of view I'm happy to give you the ownership of Crypt::X509, 
>> but I cannot as I am only a co-maintainer there (regardless of contribution 
>> mass).
>> I have not had any Response from the primary maintainer Mike Jackson in the 
>> last 15 years - if you can reach him (or get CPAN to transfer the project) 
>> I'll do anything you need me to support you there.
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
>> Alexander Jung
>> Am Fr., 9. Aug. 2019 um 12:49 Uhr schrieb Oliver Welter <m...@oliwel.de 
>> <mailto:m...@oliwel.de> <mailto:m...@oliwel.de <mailto:m...@oliwel.de>>>:
>>    Hi Alexander,
>>    we are using Crypt::X509 for our OpenXPKI project and need some
>>    extensions of the module (for a start some new OIDs). Are you still
>>    maintaining the CPAN package and if so whats your prefered way to accept
>>    contributions? If not, would you mind if we take over the ownership of
>>    the module?
>>    Best regards
>>    Oliver
>>    --     Protect your environment -  close windows and adopt a penguin!
> --
> Scott T. Hardin <shar...@whiterabbitsecurity.com 
> <mailto:shar...@whiterabbitsecurity.com>>
> WhiteRabbit Security GmbH, Werner-Heisenberg-Str. 8, 85254 Sulzemoos
> Contact: +49 8135 314 000-0, off...@whiterabbitsecurity.com 
> <mailto:off...@whiterabbitsecurity.com>
> Director: Martin Bartosch, Dr. Oliver Welter, Scott T. Hardin 

Scott T. Hardin <shar...@whiterabbitsecurity.com>

WhiteRabbit Security GmbH, Werner-Heisenberg-Str. 8, 85254 Sulzemoos
Contact: +49 8135 314 000-0, off...@whiterabbitsecurity.com
Director: Martin Bartosch, Dr. Oliver Welter, Scott T. Hardin 

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