Thanks for answer, Neil!

Panda (named after company) namespace was a mistake, we stopped using that
namespace more than a year ago. we’re moving all the modules that were in
Panda:: to appropriate names. And the Panda::Date is the last. I dont want
to keep the old name because when someone searches for the date module and
sees « panda::date » they are completely confused what panda is.

Thank you.

ср, 7 авг. 2019 г. в 11:29, Neil Bowers <>:

> Hi Oleg,
> I'd like to upload fast full-featured Date module (in C/XS, new version of
> Panda::Date), and the ideal name for it is "Date". I would appreciate if
> you could transfer ownership from inactive author to me.
> If this is a new release of Panda::Date, why not continue releasing it
> under that name?
> If people out there are already using Panda::Date, they would appreciate
> it being maintained, rather than having to switch to a new namespace.
> Cheers,
> Neil
> --
Oleg Pronin,
CTO, Co-Founder,
Crazy Panda LTD
CP Decision LTD

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