Hi Andy, Leon, Curtis, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m working through all the situations where people have permissions on package names which differ only in case. PAUSE used to not mind about this, but we’re changing that, since it causes problems on operating systems with case-insensitive filesystems.
Andy has first-come permissions on TAP::Parser::Iterator::ARRAY, which is in the index against A/AN/ANDYA/TAP-Parser-0.51.tar.gz. The latest version of TAP-Parser is 0.54, released in August 2007. I noticed that includes TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array. Ovid and Leon have co-maint on this. Andy also has first-come permissions (& Ovid and Leon have co-maint) on TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array, which is in the index against O/OV/OVID/Test-Harness-3.26.tar.gz, but the latest version is 3.36, released by Leon in December 2015. So the latest version of neither module is indexed, and I’m guessing that might be down to this permissions conflict. Also, the latest version of both dists include TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array, and both distributions have plenty of downstream dependencies on CPAN. There are a lot of other modules in common between these dists, but I’m just looking at the case-varying situations, so my script didn’t point those out to me. I have no noodling idea what the right solution is here, but would like us to end up with zero or one package on CPAN that matches /TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array/i. Can you suggest the path to enlightenment please? Cheers, Neil