Hi Paweł,

> Yes, please do this.
> Cheers,
> Paweł

Thanks. I’ve just dropped the permissions, and am about to schedule deletion of 
your releases, which you’ll get an email about from PAUSE.


> On 11 December 2016 at 11:35, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com 
> <mailto:neil.bow...@cogendo.com>> wrote:
> Hi Paweł,
>> Would just deleting the STD distribution solve stuff? It's not developed or 
>> useful anymore.
> We’ll need to drop your permissions on the packages, and specifically on 
> “Stash”.
> Given I’m doing some PAUSE gardening anyway, if you give me permission, I’ll 
> do this on your behalf:
> Delete all releases of STD
> Drop permissions for all associated packages
> Cheers,
> Neil
>> On 6 December 2016 at 09:44, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com 
>> <mailto:neil.bow...@cogendo.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Paweł & Stefan,
>> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving conflicts caused by 
>> PAUSE now considering package names case insensitively. This left us with 
>> some situations where two or more people are owners of namespaces previously 
>> considered distinct, and now considered the same.
>> Paweł has ownership of the Stash package, and Stefan has co-maint on it. 
>> This is used in the STD distribution, last released by Stefan in 2010. Your 
>> permissions on “Stash" clash with the “stash” package, used by TKEEFER in 
>> his Gantry distribution.
>> Many of the packages in your distribution come under the STD:: namespace, so 
>> the best solution would be if you could move all the packages which aren’t 
>> in STD:: to be in the STD:: namespace.
>> Are you happy to do this please?
>> Cheers,
>> Neil


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