Hi Paweł & Stefan,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving conflicts caused by PAUSE 
now considering package names case insensitively. This left us with some 
situations where two or more people are owners of namespaces previously 
considered distinct, and now considered the same.

Paweł has ownership of the Stash package, and Stefan has co-maint on it. This 
is used in the STD distribution, last released by Stefan in 2010. Your 
permissions on “Stash" clash with the “stash” package, used by TKEEFER in his 
Gantry distribution.

Many of the packages in your distribution come under the STD:: namespace, so 
the best solution would be if you could move all the packages which aren’t in 
STD:: to be in the STD:: namespace.

Are you happy to do this please?


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